Tuesday, September 30, 2008

final blogspot#4

Knowledge Based System

KBS-is used to optimize the information collection,organization and retrival organization or for general public,it represent all the varieties of system that assist users in making the necessary inputs and interpreting the outputs of the firm.

Distinguish KBS from MIS:

KBS assist users in making the necessary inputs and interpreting the outputs of the firm while the MIS used in the business environment as a generic reference to all technology and information processing.

Illustrate(give example) on how KBS can improved campanies competitve advantage and organizational performance:

One of the example of this is a public library,it gives a related information from the topic researching. It can improved the companies competitive advantage by giving the company an enough information that helps them solve some problems of the firm.

MIS seventh edition by Raymond Mcleod JR. and searchcrm.techtarget.com

final blogspot#3

Virtual Office
Virtual office- describe the automation applications which are intended to facilitate communication among managers and non- managers inside and outside the firm.

Distingush VO from MIS:

VO describe automation to facilitate communication inside and outside the firm while the MIS provide information that support managers and non- managers to make decission to solve the firms problems.

Illustrate(give example) how VO can improve companies competitive advantage and organizational performance:

One of the example of this are the call center agents because they services to the customer by using communication technologies.It can improved the companies competitive advantage because the information flow of the company can easily send from one department to another.


MIS seventh edition by Raymond Mcleod Jr.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Final blogpost # 2


DSS –provide information in the form of special reports and periodic reports to assist managers in making decisions to solve semistructured problems

Distinguish DSS from MIS
DSS support the managers decision-making effectiveness while the MIS provide information in all forms of computer output which is used by managers alike in decision making.

Illustrate (give examples) how DSS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

For example a manufacturing managers enters data that describes a plant and equipment, and then a linear programming model determines the most efficient layout. So in this case the manager used the decision making

Friday, September 12, 2008

final blogpost#1

CSFI International Corporation

The company was originally founded in Dayton, Ohio in 1980 as a provider of on-line transaction distribution software for legacy computer systems. The evolution of the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and the company's expertise in on-line transaction management led to the company's rapid growth as the ATM and self-service industry emerged over the past several decades.
Today, CSF International (CSFi) is recognized as a leading provider of electronic payments and transaction switching applications worldwide. The company's software solutions provide services to hundreds of companies in over twenty countries, process millions of transactions every year, and support thousands of ATM and POS terminals worldwide. Clients range from de novo community banks to multi-bank holding companies and processing centers.

The MIS Reporting System integrates with u/SWITCHWARE® and uses web-based technology to provide critical management information right at your finger tips. The reports can either be generated as needed or can be defined to automatically generate on a peridodic basis. The available reports include; ATM availability, transaction types and volumes, foreign vs. on-us transactions, popular withdrawal amount, transaction activity, transaction fees and transaction response times. The reports can be generated by institution, region, node, device type and date/time period.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide flexible products that can be scaled to the needs of financial institutions of all sizes and maintain a cost/performance ratio that enhances productivity and profitability. Our focus is on delivering leading edge software solutions that incorporate the latest advancements in self-service technology, transaction security while never losing sight of our constant commitment to providing superior and responsive customer support services.
